Online and in-persons. We adapt whatever the circumstances.
‘Experiment by getting the best out of your potential and making the best decisions’



Diseña y valida


Diseña y valida


Experimenta y siente. Maxima Talent


Evalúa el clima. Maxima Talent


Soluciones en remoto. Maxima talent


Analyze and solve

With Design & Visual Thinking, methodology we use design thinking to analyse and solve problems.

We apply this tool to find innovative solutions centred on the user and the issues that may arise for them.

Objective data is also made use of to find the best solution.
Workshop: one morning
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251

Design and validate

With the Design Sprint methodology we improve complex issues, cutting through the unknowns affecting the business. In just five days we design and validate a business idea or the functionality of a product or service.
This allows ideas to be prototyped and validated with end users in a quick manner in order to define a product’s roadmap in five phases.
A sprint is a high-speed race to the finish line. And if you’ve got a business idea and you want to launch it, you’re probably at the stage of defining your product or service.
Design Sprint will allow you to make the jump from having an idea to learning from real users prior to building something fully.
A high-speed race across five intense days of work.
Working days: 5
Hours per day: 8
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251


With the methodology of the Kanban and Scrum boards we are able to visualise workload and help teams manage product development from start to finish.

This will help us to monitor workflow and facilitate daily synchronisation.

Workshop: one morning
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251

Experiment and feel

With ADVENTURE & TEAMS teambuilding we’ll enjoy incredible experiences together with our teams.
Experiences that bring us together, make us more engaged and more responsible, help us share, make us dream, make us smile, help us cooperate, allow us to discover what we least expected and make us better leaders.
Put it to the test!

We’ll climb magnificent mountains together

We’ll swim stroke after stroke through crystal-clear waters

We’ll ride together on e-bikes

We’ll paddle in time with one another in a kayak

We’ll walk through unforgettable landscapes

We’ll inhale and exhale as we do yoga and practise mindfulness

We’ll enjoy the best things we have: ourselves, nature and the finest company
Because what else is there?
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251

Evaluate the work environment

With the Work Environment Evaluation methodology we can learn more about the climate in which the organisation’s human resources work and their opinion and perception of the company, its products and services.
Take the photo and roll up your sleeves! Because you’ve got some way to go to adapt your processes and get the excellence you’re looking for.
We’re talking about engagement, motivation and productivity.
Evaluation: 1 month
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251

Working together, remotely

Remote management of teams has become essential for companies.
In this context Agile working methodologies can offer multiple responses to help organisations adapt to remote team management and boost productivity.
Working together towards a shared goal is fundamental and for this we synchronise teams on a daily basis to draw attention to the progress and obstacles of a project.
Don’t Do Agile, Be Agile!
In person or remotely
  • Ask for +
  • Teléfono - Maxima Talent
  • +34 609 863 251